Fagaceae including Oaks (Quercus) and chestnuts (Castanopsis) are abundant in this ecosystem (Davis, 1960). Other genera include Acer, Betula, Celtis, Capinus, Fraxinus and Magnolia (Davis, 1960). Tree species listed by Davis (1960) for the region include Dipterocarpus alatus (Dipterocarpaceae), Engelhardtia spicata (Juglandaceae), Figus benjamina (Moraceae), and Sterculia coccinea (Malvaceae) (Davis, 1960). However, the forests of the Chin Hills have more subtropical elements than those of the Naga Hills. Rao (1974) lists the following tree genera: Albizia (Fabaceae), Acer (Sapindaceae), Juglans (Juglandaceae), Quercus (Fagaceae), and Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) with Rhododendron (Ericaceae), Rubus spp. (Rosaceae) and scattered Arundinaria bamboo (Poaceae) in the understorey. On somewhat higher slopes are Alnus nepalensis (Betulaceae), Cornus controversa (Cornaceae) and Ilex spp. (Aquifoliaceae) (Rao 1974). This ecosystem supports the entire population of White-browed Nuthatch Sitta victoriae (EN) as well as a significant wintering population of Grey-sided Thrush Turdus feae (VU). There are numerous near-endemic species and subspecies shared with neighboring India including Blyth's Tragopan Tragopan blythii blythii (VU), Black-headed Shrikebabbler Pteruthius rufiventer, Leaf-warblers (Phylloscopidae), Bush-warblers (Scotocercidae), Burmese Tit Aegithalos sharpei, Scimitar-babblers and allies (Timaliidae), Laughingthrushes and allies (Leiotrichidae), Mount Victoria Babax Garrulax woodi, Brown-capped Laughingthrush Trochalopteron austeni, Striped Laughingthrush Trochalopteron virgatum, Slaty-blue Flycatcher Ficedula tricolor cerviniventris and Yellow-breasted Greenfinch Chloris spinoides heinrichi. The Mammalian fauna includes Western Hoolock Gibbon Hoolock hoolock (EN), Dhole Cuon alpinus (EN), Sun Bear Helarctos malayanus (VU), Himalayan Black Bear Ursus thibetanus (VU), Leopard Panthera pardus (VU), Mainland Clouded Leopard Neofelis nebulosa (VU), Indochinese Serow Capricornis milneedwardsii (NT) and Red Serow Capricornis rubidus (NT).